

sabato 28 novembre 2015

@MarcoPolo_Venezia: “Le città invisibili” di Italo Calvino - 13 dicembre ore 15

@MarcoPolo_Venezia - foto di Maristella Tagliaferro

@MarcoPolo_Venezia: “Le città invisibili” di Italo Calvino
lettura collettiva aperta a tutti multilingue/multidialetti
domenica 13 dicembre ore 15
Campo San Severo, Castello 5000 - Venezia
di fronte a 5000 vinaria cicchetteria wine bar

Marco Polo descrive un ponte, pietra per pietra.
-       Ma qual è la pietra che sostiene il ponte? – chiede Kublai Kan.
Polo risponde: - Senza pietre non c’è arco.
Italo Calvino, “Le città invisibili” – cap. V

Il Progetto @MarcoPolo di Maristella Tagliaferro torna alla città di partenza, Venezia, con una nuova lettura collettiva de “Le città invisibili” di Italo Calvino: come sempre si tratterà di una lettura aperta a tuttimultilingue/multidialetti, una Torre di Babele rovesciata perché ognuno capirà i testi che altri leggeranno, ma ciascuno leggerà a modo proprio. Si costruirà così un ideale arco del dialogo tra culture fatto di tante voci diverse, in tante lingue differenti. Tutti sono invitati a partecipare: la prenotazione dei brani avverrà tramite le piattaforme social Facebook link pagina evento e Twitter @MarcoPolo_citta oppure via email a 

Alcune letture potranno essere ascoltate in differita grazie al podcast di Radio Ca’ Foscari link

Si potranno leggere brani - dialoghi tra Marco Polo e Kublai Kan, oppure le celebri descrizioni di città dai rari nomi di donna - in lingua italiana, lingue straniere, lingue locali o dialetti: a libera scelta dei partecipanti, affinché tutti possano essere protagonisti, anche con la produzione di traduzioni originali di brevi passaggi. Per prenotare una lettura, scrivere a oppure commentare il post dedicato nella pagina evento Facebook link

Il dialogo tra Marco Polo e Kublai Kan che chiude il capitolo V sarà letto in varie lingue e dialetti: tutti i partecipanti sono invitati a leggere nella propria lingua madre, o nella lingua che studiano: per prenotare scrivere a oppure commentare il post dedicato sulla pagina evento Facebook link

Chi non potrà essere presente potrà inviare una audiolettura e/o una traduzione a distanzaemail
post dedicati nella pagina evento Facebook:
epilogo capitolo V link
un dialogo tra Marco Polo e Kublai Kan, oppure una città link
audioletture link

Tutte le traduzioni e le audioletture saranno pubblicate sul sito web Adotta il Tradotto di Clelia Francalanza link

L’edizione di riferimento da cui scegliere i brani è l’originale Einaudi - Torino, 1972, che si può scaricare gratuitamente link

Links per scaricare gratuitamente le traduzioni in:
inglese (di William Weaver) "Invisible Cities"  link
spagnolo "Las Ciudades Invisibles" link
francese "Les Villes Invisibles" quelques extraits link
russo (di Natalja Aleksandrovna Stavrovskaja) "Невидимые города" link -  Nota bibliografica di Davide Ruggi: la traduzione scaricabile è pubblicata per la prima volta nel 2001 nella raccolta in 4 volumi delle opere di Calvino (San Pietroburgo: “Simpozium” ISBN: 5-89091-128-7, 5-89091-105-8) e più volte ristampata, anche in volume separato. Esiste anche un’altra traduzione russa, di A.Toločko e A.Gavrilenko, pubblicata con il titolo “Nezrimye goroda”, in un volume che contiene anche “Il castello dei destini incrociati” (Kiev: “Labirynt, Nyka-Centr”, 1997. ISBN: 966-521-025-4), che però non sembra scaricabile.
tedesco "Die unsichtbaren Städte" stralci:
© S. Fischer Verlag GmbH, Frankfurt am Main link
 (di Burkhart Kroeber) link

Ecco il testo completo dell’epilogo del capitolo V, che tutti sono invitati a tradurre:

Marco Polo descrive un ponte, pietra per pietra.
-      Ma qual è la pietra che sostiene il ponte? – chiede Kublai Kan.
-      Il ponte non è sostenuto da questa o quella pietra, - risponde Marco, ma dalla linea dell’arco che esse formano.
Kublai Kan rimane silenzioso, riflettendo. Poi soggiunge: - Perché mi parli delle pietre? E’ solo dell’arco che m’importa.
Polo risponde: - Senza pietre non c’è arco.

Italo Calvino, “Le città invisibili” – cap. V

Grazie a Radio Ca' Foscari per questo podcast:

Le città invisibili: torna il progetto Marco Polo.

Dopo due anni torna a Venezia il progetto Marco Polo: Le città invisibili di Italo Calvino, un incontro di letture pubbliche, in diverse lingue, di una delle opere più famose dello scrittore ligure.
Ospite ai nostri microfoni Maristella Tagliaferro, ideatrice e promotrice dell’evento che si terrà il 13 dicembre alle ore 15:00 in campo san Severo, ci parla di come il progetto è rinato e c’introduce all’ascolto di un paio di letture in anteprima: una in italiano dell’ex ministro della cultura Massimo Bray e una in kurdo, con traduzione di Şemsa İlbaş e voce di Birgül Yildiz.


Venezia, mattina di acqua alta - foto di Riccardo Roiter Rigoni

De @MarcoPolo

Il Progetto @MarcoPolo di Maristella Tagliaferro è un viaggio per scrivere insieme nuove pagine di Cultura attraverso la lettura, il canto, il suono di testi diversi, sia letterari che musicali. Ogni partecipante è un protagonista e perciò ascolta con attenzione gli altri, impara dal confronto cose nuove. Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di contribuire a creare una comunità della cultura e far rivivere alcuni dei luoghi più belli attraverso le voci di lettrici e lettori.

@MarcoPolo ha già brillantemente superato nove appuntamenti:

10 novembre 2013 a Venezia lettura de "Le città invisibili" di Italo Calvino: iniziata dai microfoni di Radio Ca' Foscari, l'emittente online dell'Ateneo Veneziano, con una lettura in diretta in italiano e cinese di un dialogo tra Marco Polo e Kublai Kan – letture in 12 lingue;

6 febbraio 2014 @MarcoPolo_Roma: "Le città invisibili" di Calvino alla Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma, con il patrocinio del Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo – letture in 16 lingue e dialetti

28 marzo 2014 @MarcoPolo_Pinocchio: Alla Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma una lettura collettiva multilingue del libro italiano più tradotto nel mondo, con il patrocinio del Consiglio d'Europa Ufficio di Venezia – letture in 20 lingue e dialetti, sono pervenute online oltre 60 traduzioni. Nella sua introduzione, l’on. Massimo Bray, già ministro dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo e direttore di Treccani, ha sottolineato la validità del Progetto @MarcoPolo: link

23 aprile 2014 @MarcoPolo_Shakespeare: "Giulietta e Romeo" - traduzioni a distanza online in occasione del 450* anniversario della nascita del bardo inglese;

21 giugno 2014 @MarcoPolo_Roncade: solstizio con Calvino - lettura collettiva aperta a tutti de "Le città invisibili" nell'ambito di FLE Festival dei luoghi e delle emozioni di Roncade (Treviso) – sono pervenute online 30 traduzioni in lingue straniere, locali e dialetti;

23 ottobre 2014 @MarcoPolo_Calvino: le città del mondo, lettura collettiva multilingue/multidialetti aperta a tutti de "Le città invisibili" nell'ambito della XI Festa internazionale della Storia dell'Università di Bologna DIPAST, con accompagnamento musicale - traduzioni online in dieci lingue e dialetti;

16 novembre 2014 @MarcoPolo_Pinocchio a Gedda in collaborazione con il Consolato generale d'Italia nell'ambito della XIV Settimana della Lingua Italiana nel Mondo: online sono pervenute traduzioni in oltre 40 lingue di un brano dal capitolo 32 del capolavoro di Collodi;

febbraio 2015 @MarcoPolo_Carnevale: Carrassecare – online sono pervenute una trentina di traduzioni in lingue straniere, lingue locali e dialetti di un brano dei Tazenda;

primavera 2015 @MarcoPolo_Dante750 Canti Dante 750 creato con Adotta il Tradotto online: sono pervenute oltre 70 traduzioni di terzine della “Divina Commedia” in una trentina di lingue e dialetti.

Tutte le traduzioni e numerose audioletture sono state pubblicate online da Clelia Francalanza nel sito Adotta il Tradotto link 

Rassegna stampa e web

Progetto @MarcoPolo
sul sito web #LACULTURACHEVINCE di Massimo Bray link
sul mio blog link

Maristella Tagliaferro
profilo sul sito Treccani link

mercoledì 18 novembre 2015

"Why are not happy?" @RoniRan2 - #Kobane #Venice

Kurdish YPJ/YPG fighters
@RoniRan2 - October 29th, 2014

From a letter to a friend

Venice - January 10th, 2015

In October 2014 I got in touch via Twitter with a person fighting in Kobane, @RoniRan2. During the day she fought ISIS, at night she posted images of young Amazons transmiting strength, confidence, resolution and such a happiness as our young people seldom know.

Via DM, she wrote to me loving words as soon as we got in touch. When I invited her to come to Venice, she answered inviting me in Kobane.
I wrote a poem, Message of Love from Kobane link.

From our very first connection, I knew in my heart that @RoniRan2 was a young woman, perhaps also because of her profile image. A few days later, a Kurdish woman living in Stuttgart wrote to me that Roni is a male name in Kobane. But later on, a Kurdish friend explained to me that in Kurdish ROHANI means LIGHT and it is indeed a FEMALE name: it is often shortened in RONI.

@RoniRan2 account image link

On October 23rd, 2014 @RoniRan2 tweeted a picture of a white cat whose right eye was blue, whereas its left eye was green: "Today in Kobane" link
That was the first time she tweeted a picture with an animal as the only subject: it was clear that the cat had caught her attention.

Today in Kobane
@RoniRan2 - October 23rd, 2014

Roni's picture of the cat surprised me because a few weeks before, on September 13th, while walking in Venice nearby the Arsenal, my attention was caught by a cat with the same features, which are quite rare. It was probably a Van cat (Van Kedisi) or Turkish Angora with a chalky white coat, odd-eyed: I could imagine its ancestors getting off a ship at the time of Crusades.
I tweeted my picture back to @RoniRan2 link

Venice, September 13th 2014 - photo by Maristella Tagliaferro

@RoniRan2 didn't read my tweet - I think she didn't know the function Notifications - so a few days later I sent my picture via DM. 
@RoniRan2 answered:
"Does the same :)"
"so sweet :)"
"You know what? you're a very good woman <3 <3 <3
Much love to you <3 ;)"

"Does the same :)"
@RoniRan2, October 26th 2014
The message that caught my greatest attention arrived during the night between October 19th and 20th, 2014. Those were days of violent crashes, not only in Kobane. For the first time, @RoniRan2 tweeted also pictures of Yezidis.
I wrote via DM:
"Happy to read from you, take care, much love from Venezia <3"
@RoniRan2 anwered:
"I love you and Venice. <3 One day, they'll see. I am hopeful. <3" 
I wished good night writing: "I'm hopeful too. Much love to you <3" and switched to Facebook. I was feeling very happy to know that she was fine, and very thankful for her loving words which were almost incredible considering she was writing to a never-met person from a city under siege.

I had not understood, not yet ...

Unluckily, as soon as I switched to Facebook, I read a piece of news that made me feel very depressed: I felt really very bad inside.
I felt alone, very very alone.
That pain would not go away and I could not fall asleep.
I felt I must have a last glance at Twitter before switching my iPad off.
Strangely enough, there was a new DM from @RoniRan2 waiting for me:
"Why are not happy?"
She had sent it about two or three minutes after I read the piece of news that made me feel bad. I could never imagine - not in those moments when I had the greatest proofs of telepathy and empathy - that one night, from a city under siege, where she saw friends and perhaps relatives fall daily, while she was defending her home, her very life, somebody whom I had never met would feel that I was going through a moment of intense unhappiness, and would care to ask me "why?"
It would be too complicated, even ridiculous for me to explain via DM why I felt unhappy to somebody living among ruins, bullets, bombs.
So I lied by writing:
"I'm happy!"
but then I added sincere words:
"I want to meet you when you defeat the enemy <3 <3 <3 :)"
@RoniRan2 answered:
"I am glad :) :) :) :) :) "

"Why are not happy?"
@RoniRan2 - October 20th, 2014
On the following days I found out that my sorrow of that night was for a false reason. Or perhaps the piece of news I had read in Facebook was true, but later on things changed so there was no reason for me to suffer. I felt an echo inside, Roni Ran's question:
"Why are not happy?" 

She started tweeting also images of wounded fighters, and the odd-eyed white cat appeared. But she continued to tweet mostly images of splendid Amazons.
Via DM Roni Ran wrote to me some news from inside Kobane. Once she denied Kurdish propaganda by confirming the death of Rehana, a very young Amazon whose image had been seen all over the world. In the DM about Rehana, she wrote also the word "sorry": perhaps she was apologizing because she knew the news would make me sad, or perhaps she meant she was sad. Or perhaps that word had both meanings. 

"I know he died. Sorry :("
@RoniRan2 - October 29th, 2014

Roni sent me several DMs about my poem. She wrote poetry for me, but never posted it because of a feeling that a translation in English would "distort the meaning". She asked me to write more poems. She wrote about her desire to read Italian. Roni's last DM on poetry is a wonderful invitation:
"Write poetry. I read so I can understand. :) <3 <3 <3" 

"Write poetry. I read so I can understand. :) <3 <3 <3"
@RoniRan2 - October 29th, 2014

@RoniRan2 Twitter account is stuck since October 31st, 2014. On that evening Roni tweeted more images with a new hastag,
Roni sent me two DMs:
"Today was a day of violent clashes. Additional forces arrived.After that it gets better. <3 <3 <3" 
"Happy. :) ;) " 

Last DM from @RoniRan2
"Happy. :) ;)"
October 31st, 2014

@RoniRan2 had already posted her last tweet, asking world solidarity for Kobane: link.

Some people in Europe may think about Kobane after the last events in France: 20 people assassinated, 12 of which at Charlie Hebdo's. Now we Europeans know that we can be killed by ISIS terrorists in our own homes. 
Last December I told to myself that the last lines in my poem were wrong. Tonight I understood why I wrote them: 

In this crumbling
Western World,
I feel powerless,
lost, incapable:
Roni Ran
is right,
my home,
our home
is in Kobane.

"#SOS_SINJAR #SaveYazidis #DefendInternational #SavaKobane YPG/PKK YPJ fighters"@RoniRan2 - October 20th, 2014


Messaggio d'Amore da Kobane link

Message of Love from Kobane link

I read my poem 
Messaggio d'Amore da Kobane at the poets' event M'EDITARE 2015 - Singolari Opere Comuni link

"Why are not happy?" "Perché non sei felice?" #Kobane #Venezia link

#Paris #Kobane #Venice - all we need is Freedom and Peace link

Bea Ary in Facebook link

Bea Ary in Facebook link

Dentro Kobanê link

Peter Clifford Online
TIMELINE – 2nd FEBRUARY 2015 14.08 GMT: link

"Lastly, on Kobane, I received this morning this delightful poetic tribute to the inspiring female warriors of the YPJ, a 'Message of Love', originally published last October by @MSTagliaferro, HERE: link"


New York Review of Books, "The Syrian Kurds are Winning" by Jonathan Steele link

Il Post, "Le foto delle combattenti del Rojava" reportage by John Moore link

"I love you :) <3 <3"
@RoniRan2 - October 13th, 2014

"Yes. When we defeat the enemy"
@RoniRan2 - October 13th, 2014

October 14th, 2014 - tweet by @TaninKendal

I sent Roni via DM Tanin's letter
October 14th, 2014

"I am sorry for the late reply to your message ..."
@RoniRan2 - October 16th, 2014

"I've even wrote poetry. I was very happy. <3 <3 <3"
@RoniRan2 - October 16th, 2014

martedì 17 novembre 2015

#Paris #Kobane #Venice - all we need is Freedom and Peace

20151110 "Soffio Associazione culturale Armonia" no. 52 11/15 - p. 40

"Anyone searching for a sliver of light in the darkness of the Syrian catastrophe has no better place to go than the country’s northeast. There some 2.2 million Kurds have created a quasi state that is astonishingly safe—and strangely unknown abroad." 
Jonathan Steele starts with these lines his article The Syrian Kurds Are Winning! link

Thanks to the newsletter of The New York Review of Books, which I received on November 13th at 23.30 Italian (and French) time, I read Steele's article at the same time as I was reading the live news from Paris: it came to my mind that - in this time when we feel a great need of Freedom and we look for ways to Peace - the Syrian Kurdish Amazons' example is what we all need, as the example of a people who have being fighting Isis with great dignity to defend their homes and their way of living: to say it in one word, their Freedom. And they are winning!

Kurds' fight for self-defence is also a demonstration of the complexity of religious beliefs in Middle East. As Steele points out, "Syrian Kurds put greater store on national identity than organized religion. Most Kurdish clerics are Sufis of the Sunni branch of Islam and, in contrast to the Syrian Arab opposition to Assad, none of the dozen Kurdish political parties in Syria is Islamist".

What matters most to me is that Syrian Kurds, Kurdish Amazons - unlike many Western countries - are not trying to impose their way of living to people who do not share it: their fight is only aiming to self defence, not to conquer. In a neologism, resilience link; in a word our grandmothers and grandfathers used, resistance link. As I wrote above, Freedom and Peace, two words that in my vision go necessarily together.


France24 posted a Video: A rare look inside the Kurdish rebel movement (sic!) link 

@PeterClifford1 link tweets frequent updates on #Syria #Rojava #Iraq link

L'Espresso, Ecco chi finanzia il Califfato link

Famiglia Francia: almeno smettiamola con le chiacchiere link

About the relationship between Turkish goverment and Isis: The love affair between ISIS and the Turkish JDP (AKP). The entire story and evidencelink to the full article.

About the US relations with the starting of Isis, Hillary Clinton in Iran Italian Radio: link


On November 15th, the Facebook page Save Kobane link posted an invitation: 
"While the world leaders meet in Antalya to discuss how to fight ISIS, there is a people who are already defeating ISIS. Actions speak louder than words, so believe in what you see, and forget what you hear" link.

Another post by Save Kobane states:
"The single greatest factor allowing ISIS to hold Raqqa is the dispute between US and Turkey over whether the Kurds can take Jarablus or not. Without Jarablus, IS are done in Syria. The only reason they hold it is that Turkey won't let the Kurds take it, which they easily can. Turkey's fantasy safe zone and fear of the PKK/YPG, is, essentially, the greatest stumbling block to the fall of Raqqa."
- Aris Roussinos

Save Kobane posted also a link to "An excellent piece on the Kurds and the Western reluctance to support their fight against ISIS": link to the full article, After Paris: Victory to the Kurds by Brendan O'Neill.

Save Kobane published more news of victory in the last few hours: 

"Tonight they are rejoicing their victory on this cold night, YPG fighters within SDF remain ready for the next fight.

After a joint campaign conducted against ISIS during the last 2 weeks, SDF today declared success for Phase I of Operation Liberate Hawl. Over 1300 sq kilometers have been cleared of ISIS terrorists. SDF (Kurdish YPG coalition with Assyrian, Arab and Turkmen forces), established in late October 2015, coordinated efforts to remove terrorists from southern Hasakah. 224 miles, including the town Hawl and 196 villages along ISIS' strategic supply routes have been fully secured. 490 ISIS terrorists have been killed during this operation. 33 SDF fighters fell martyr in the operation, 53 comrades have been wounded in action.

#YPG #SDF #Rojava #Syria #Hawl


Pic posted by Facebook page Save Kobane on November 17th, 2015


Life tought me to always listen to my instinct, to my feelings, even when I consider complicated international matters. This is very important to me: I always consider my personal relations with people.

Whenever I think of Syrian Kurds, I think of @RoniRan2 link who fought in Kobane. I got in touch with her via Twitter in October 2014: she sent me messages of Love and Hope, inviting me to Happiness. I wrote a poem Message of Love from Kobane link.

The Italian version of that poem, Messaggio d'Amore da Kobane link was published on November 10th, 2015 - in Soffio Associazione culturale Armonia no. 52 11/15 together with "Why are not happy?" #Kobane #Venezia link from a letter I wrote to a friend on January 10th, 2015 in the days following the attack to Charlie Hebdo: I finally translated that text "Why are not happy?" @RoniRan2 - #Kobane #Venice link.

20151110 "Soffio Associazione culturale Armonia" no. 52 11/15 - p. 41